Empowered with advanced e-forms technology and intuitive interface, Formatta Filler is a perfect choice from small scale to huge industries. It’s a comprehensive yet easy to use tool which lets you open number of forms within the program including the attachments like documents, spreadsheet and other files too. The utility allows the user to fill, save, sign, print, encrypt and decrypt electronic forms. Formatta is providing many freely distributable electronic forms. You can fill these forms easily, edit, save and electronically sign them too. Via its Encryption and Decryption facility, keep your filled forms secure, safe and hide them from the intruders. Above all you don’t need to share your password. Moreover this freeware is fully customizable. In fact you can customize several other features like Filler Title Bar, Filler Home Button, On-line Help, Filler Splash Screen, and Introductory Forms and so on. Besides it also gives you the ability to display your own company logo in place of the Formatta Logo. With its connection options, you can email PFF forms and specify settings accordingly. With many other integrated features this tool is ready to fulfill your company's requirement.